crochetbug13: Invisible decrease: step 6
crochetbug13: Invisible decrease: step 5
crochetbug13: delete
crochetbug13: Put your hook through the front loop of the first stitch of the decrease
crochetbug13: Invisible decrease: step 2
crochetbug13: Invisible decrease: step 1
crochetbug13: Eight Nana Squares discovered while sorting through various yarn tangles
crochetbug13: Four crochet squares
crochetbug13: Yarn needle inserted under both loops of both corresponding stitches
crochetbug13: Place the two pieces to be joined with the right (aka front) sides together
crochetbug13: Yarn needle inserted under both loops of both corresponding stitches
crochetbug13: Yarn needle threaded with yarn for making the whip stitch
crochetbug13: To make the next stitch, insert the yarn needle through both loops of the stitch on the first square
crochetbug13: and then through both loops of the corresponding stitch of the second square
crochetbug13: Two rows of two crochet squares each
crochetbug13: P1080877
crochetbug13: The materials for my future hobo bag
crochetbug13: A much beloved shirt
crochetbug13: P1080995
crochetbug13: P1080996
crochetbug13: My slightly off-kilter fabric lining
crochetbug13: Four strips of fabric joined by sewing on the bias
crochetbug13: One of the bias seam joins before trimming
crochetbug13: The same seam after trimming