crochetbug13: Dunkin Donuts bag with a much needed cup of coffee
crochetbug13: The Dunkin Donuts bag
crochetbug13: Inside the Dunkin Donuts bag
crochetbug13: My Dunkin Donuts bag in it's native habitat
crochetbug13: My purse in it's native habitat with a cup of coffee
crochetbug13: My Dunkin Donuts bag waiting for coffee
crochetbug13: Where it all began
crochetbug13: Making some progress on the body of the bag
crochetbug13: The first fourteen rounds of my quest for the perfect crochet bag
crochetbug13: The body of the bag in medias res
crochetbug13: The bag with the sides crocheted
crochetbug13: The bag with the sides crocheted
crochetbug13: Crocheting the sides
crochetbug13: Handles for the bag-to-be
crochetbug13: The lining fabric with the body of the bag
crochetbug13: The bag with the lining sewn in
crochetbug13: The lining pinned in place
crochetbug13: My bag with the lining pinned in place
crochetbug13: Fabric for the lining
crochetbug13: My Dunkin' Donuts bag in my outdoor office
crochetbug13: Interior view of Dunkin Donuts bag before additional sides are crocheted
crochetbug13: Exterior of Dunkin Donuts bag before handles are added
crochetbug13: My Dunkin Donuts bag with lining sewn in and edges crocheted
crochetbug13: My Dunkin Donuts bag with lining sewn in and edges crocheted