crochetbug13: HÜGlight
crochetbug13: An incredible rope machine
crochetbug13: Yarn daisy with packaging
crochetbug13: Yarn Daisy in use
crochetbug13: Boye yarn daisy packaging
crochetbug13: Yarn Daisies in use
crochetbug13: Clover needle felting brush and needle felting pen
crochetbug13: Clover needle felting brush, needle felting pen, and needle felting pad
crochetbug13: Needle felting pad
crochetbug13: A nostepinne
crochetbug13: My first effort to wind yarn using the nostepinne
crochetbug13: A 14-pack of Scupley® III
crochetbug13: A 14-pack of Scupley® III
crochetbug13: An assortment of crochet hooks in need of handles
crochetbug13: How to use a floss threader to thread beads onto yarn
crochetbug13: How to use a floss threader to thread beads onto yarn
crochetbug13: How to use a floss threader to thread beads onto yarn
crochetbug13: How to use a floss threader to thread beads onto yarn
crochetbug13: How to use a floss threader to thread beads onto yarn
crochetbug13: How to use a floss threader to thread beads onto yarn
crochetbug13: How to use a floss threader to thread beads onto yarn
crochetbug13: How to use a floss threader to thread beads onto yarn
crochetbug13: An Etimo crochet set with sizes from D to J including two Gs
crochetbug13: Clover hooks, size 4.0 mm, 5.0 mm, and 6.0 mm
crochetbug13: My absolutely AMAZING fur fighter
crochetbug13: A bag of assorted split rings, lanyard hocks, and figure-8 shaped key rings
crochetbug13: Two split rings for my crocheted hobo-bag-to-be
crochetbug13: Clooney uses my 4.00 mm G-6 crochet hook
crochetbug13: P1090276
crochetbug13: My new 4.0 mm G-6 crochet hook arrives