ewjz31: circling the squares
ewjz31: coiled wire
ewjz31: Bees' nest site
ewjz31: leaves
ewjz31: trees
ewjz31: goal posts
ewjz31: Frog spawn and frog
ewjz31: Frog
ewjz31: goose head
ewjz31: crow (in monochrome)
ewjz31: two crows
ewjz31: branches and lichen
ewjz31: trees
ewjz31: tree
ewjz31: winter
ewjz31: curved
ewjz31: tied
ewjz31: needles
ewjz31: two chairs
ewjz31: Cormorant
ewjz31: two trees
ewjz31: tree
ewjz31: tree
ewjz31: Blue 1
ewjz31: cracks
ewjz31: tree
ewjz31: 3 posts
ewjz31: Blue 2
ewjz31: crow
ewjz31: goosander