Jok33g: My Oranda
Jok33g: My Oranda
Jok33g: My Oranda
Jok33g: Gull on a rugby post
Jok33g: Sunny winters day
Jok33g: Green barn door
Jok33g: Cemetery fence
Jok33g: Pebbles
Jok33g: Displaying peacock
Jok33g: Gingerbread men
Jok33g: Pebbles & green seaweed
Jok33g: Tiny fishing boat
Jok33g: Trees through a hole
Jok33g: Alphabet
Jok33g: Butterfly
Jok33g: One mince pie
Jok33g: First clouds of the day
Jok33g: Red berries
Jok33g: Red berries
Jok33g: Reflection in church window
Jok33g: Reflection in church window
Jok33g: Misplaced gate
Jok33g: Red door
Jok33g: First conker!
Jok33g: Early Autumn leaves in the gutter
Jok33g: Litter in a stream
Jok33g: Ruins
Jok33g: Haziness & lighthouse
Jok33g: Small green frog on a water pump