Patti Panda: 1st sunrise of 2020
Patti Panda: Tawas Point Lighthouse
Patti Panda: The February Full Snow Moon
Patti Panda: Perchville
Patti Panda: Perchville -Polar Bear Plunge
Patti Panda: Perchville-Tawas, Michigan
Patti Panda: A February Full Snow Moon
Patti Panda: Sunrise on Lake Huron
Patti Panda: Working hard to build a nest
Patti Panda: Eagles in the wild...amazing how big an eagle's nest is!
Patti Panda: Off for more nesting branches
Patti Panda: Eagle watching his nest
Patti Panda: Huron National Forest
Patti Panda: Sleepy Deer
Patti Panda: Out to pasture
Patti Panda: Snowy Owl
Patti Panda: Lucky to see this Snowy owl before she heads home
Patti Panda: East Tawas State Dock
Patti Panda: Preening Snowy Owl
Patti Panda: Snowy Owl
Patti Panda: Snowy Owl had a lot to say! Wish I could have heard her