Patti Panda:
Peregrine Falcon sitting on the nest box
Patti Panda:
Peregrine Falcon
Patti Panda:
Peregrine Falcons begin breeding/mating season by spending more time at the nest box
Patti Panda:
Euuu...I hope he is going to spit out those legs/feet
Patti Panda:
Could there be eggs in the nest???
Patti Panda:
Justice building the nest
Patti Panda:
What!!! ...I have 4!!
Patti Panda:
1st chick sighting
Patti Panda: there's 2
Patti Panda:
Mom (no band)
Patti Panda:
Peregrine Falcon fledglings are starting to leave the nest box
Patti Panda:
These 2 don't look like they are quite ready- O' no, not after what they just saw LOL
Patti Panda:
I want my Mommy!!
Patti Panda:
Young fledgling found him/herself outside the box