Patti Panda:
Project Peregrine Falcon Nest Box
Patti Panda:
Peregrine Falcon resting on the Detroit Zoo Water Tower
Patti Panda:
Peregrine falcon perched on the zoo tower next to a nest box that was built by the DNR and the zoo
Patti Panda:
A Peregrine Falcon perched on the Detroit Zoo’s water tower...the story below
Patti Panda:
Project Peregrine Falcon Nest Box
Patti Panda:
Project Peregrine Falcon Nest Box
Patti Panda:
Project Peregrine Falcon Nest Box
Patti Panda:
Project Peregrine Falcon Nest Box
Patti Panda:
Optimistic that I see white heads bobbing...
Patti Panda:
2 of the 4 chicks
Patti Panda:
Estimated age 4 1/2 weeks old ...growing fast!
Patti Panda:
Dad comes home to feed the kids as Mom stands by
Patti Panda:
Meal for the young
Patti Panda:
Defeathering prey
Patti Panda:
Yeah dinner!
Patti Panda:
Amazing how big the wingspan of this fledgling is considering he's only approximately 32 days hatcheed
Patti Panda:
Tuning up for his 1st flight
Patti Panda:
I guess someone couldn't wait before he knew he couldn't fly ....see message below
Patti Panda:
2 of the 4 Peregrine Falcon chicks have fledged the nest box
Patti Panda:
Juvenile on the outside structure of the zoo water tower
Patti Panda:
Juveniles atop of the zoo tower
Patti Panda:
Juvenile Peregrine Falcon
Patti Panda:
Adult male, Justice calling
Patti Panda:
Adult female
Patti Panda:
Juveile Falcon waaaay high atop the zoo tower
Patti Panda:
Adult male, Justice, stands watch of his fledglings
Patti Panda:
Peregrine Falcon on the Zoo Tower