Patti Panda: Volunteer preview party at the new Polk Penguin center
Patti Panda: Volunteer preview party at the new Polk Penguin center
Patti Panda: Volunteer preview party at the new Polk Penguin center
Patti Panda: Volunteer preview party at the new Polk Penguin center
Patti Panda: Volunteer preview party at the new Polk Penguin center
Patti Panda: Mist .....Volunteer preview party at the new Polk Penguin center
Patti Panda: Volunteer preview party at the new Polk Penguin center
Patti Panda: Volunteer preview party at the new Polk Penguin center
Patti Panda: Volunteer preview party at the new Polk Penguin center
Patti Panda: Volunteer preview party at the new Polk Penguin center
Patti Panda: Volunteer preview party at the new Polk Penguin center
Patti Panda: Volunteer preview party at the new Polk Penguin center
Patti Panda: Volunteer preview party at the new Polk Penguin center
Patti Panda: Volunteer preview party at the new Polk Penguin center
Patti Panda: Volunteer preview party at the new Polk Penguin center
Patti Panda: A mix of Gentoo, Macaroni and Southern Rockhoppers
Patti Panda: Ramp from the main deck to the underwater galleries
Patti Panda: Tunnel that has circle viewing
Patti Panda: 2nd tunnel in the underwater gallery
Patti Panda: Gentoo Penguins
Patti Panda: Could sit and watch these guys all day long :-)
Patti Panda: Friendly Gentoos
Patti Panda: Friendly Gentoos
Patti Panda: Friendly Gentoos
Patti Panda: Friendly Gentoo
Patti Panda: Friendly Gentoo
Patti Panda: Friendly Gentoo
Patti Panda: Friendly Gentoo
Patti Panda: Making snow
Patti Panda: Amazing it wasn't crowded on my Docent shift today!!