Patti Panda: Ta Shi checking out the new budlets on her favorite tree
Patti Panda: Amazing it wasn't crowded on my Docent shift today!!
Patti Panda: Finally saw some Rockhoppers swimming beneth our feet
Patti Panda: It's wonderful that the Penguins can finally see outside
Patti Panda: Penguin House
Patti Panda: Another 1st appearance (for me) of the season- Hi AJ!!
Patti Panda: Breathtaking when Wazi comes right up to the glass...she is beautiful
Patti Panda: Wrestling to see who can push who in the water...guess who won?
Patti Panda: Jabari peeks beneath the blooming tree
Patti Panda: Sure sign of Spring
Patti Panda: Sweet Dreams little Piggy
Patti Panda: looks like AJ ordered a salad on a stick for lunch
Patti Panda: Talini submarining
Patti Panda: Talini
Patti Panda: Arctic Fox taking shelter from the rain
Patti Panda: Talini went carrot fishing
Patti Panda: Talini went carrot fishing
Patti Panda: Hey, it looks pretty nice out there!!
Patti Panda: Tofu investigating
Patti Panda: A sleepy TreeRoo
Patti Panda: The Mrs :-)
Patti Panda: 1st time this year I got them together in a single frame :-)
Patti Panda: ...and here comes Tubby!!
Patti Panda: With the warmer weather comes more animals like Mr Pelican