Patti Panda: Talini with tube stuffed with newspaper and scent.
Patti Panda: I think she likes the Enrichment toy!
Patti Panda: Special enrichment for the Pudus
Patti Panda: Awe...sharing!!
Patti Panda: Two cute Pudus
Patti Panda: A special enrichment treat for T Roy and Carol
Patti Panda: The sweetest lil' Pudu couple!
Patti Panda: Pudu version of Lady and the Tramp
Patti Panda: AJ...what was in your Easter Bucket?
Patti Panda: AJ says "where's my Bunnyville treat?"
Patti Panda: Almond Joy (AJ)
Patti Panda: AJ is enjoying lunch in his colorful habitat
Patti Panda: He's going down.....!!!
Patti Panda: You don't have to tell Talini to eat her crusts!!
Patti Panda: A Polar Bear's delight...peanut butter and fish pizza!
Patti Panda: Talini and Kisa get their specialized pizza treats!!
Patti Panda: Let the party begin!!!
Patti Panda: Enjoying the moment...
Patti Panda: Great to see Bahati join in on the fun!!
Patti Panda: Akira's first 4th of July
Patti Panda: O' yum...frozen watermelon
Patti Panda: Never a dull moment with Ajua :-)
Patti Panda: Ajua turned his rocket into a sword LOL
Patti Panda: "The 3 Bears" enjoy their festive enrichment treats
Patti Panda: Shifu celebrates Valentines Day
Patti Panda: Tofu and Valentine's Day
Patti Panda: Tofu celebrates Valentine's Day
Patti Panda: Ta Shi has figured this out...don't bother rolling the pinata just stick you head right in
Patti Panda: Ta Shi enjoys the Valentine treats