Patti Panda:
Great snow day for the Red Pandas
Patti Panda:
Here comes breakfast!!
Patti Panda:
Will you be my Valentine?
Patti Panda:
Dis snow is stuck on my nose!
Patti Panda:
Red Panda cuddle
Patti Panda:
It's not often you can catch Ta Shi smiling
Patti Panda:
Momma says I look good with da white-nose!xxx
Patti Panda:
The boys are working hard to make Red Panda "Angels"
Patti Panda:
It's 2-against-1 for poor Ta Shi
Patti Panda:
Peek-a-boo Mommy, it's Hammy!!
Patti Panda:
"Frosty" the Red Panda
Patti Panda:
Hammy the Lil' Red Panda
Patti Panda:
Ta and Lil' Hamy
Patti Panda:
A mother can't always make them behave :-)
Patti Panda:
Serious business for the Red Panda twins heading to the bamboo pile
Patti Panda:
The boys are running to the "breakfast bell" of a big pile of bamboo
Patti Panda:
Brothers, RJ and Hammy
Patti Panda:
Come on Hammy...
Patti Panda:
It's to soon to say goodbye :-(
Patti Panda:
Hammy, say hello to Mr Crate :-(
Patti Panda:
Saying goodbye to Hammy
Patti Panda:
Gonna miss this adorable sweet face!!
Patti Panda:
Hammy and Momma
Patti Panda:
They are not sure why the door is closed and RJ is gone?
Patti Panda:
Happy trails lil' Hammy!!
Patti Panda:
I'm afraid you are next Hammy :-(