Patti Panda: Hammy and Ruppy Jr.
Patti Panda: Dare-devil Panda
Patti Panda: Special kiss from Momma
Patti Panda: Playful Pandas
Patti Panda: Look out RJ!!
Patti Panda: RJ with a fun toy...woodwool in a hex ball
Patti Panda: Little guy-big tree
Patti Panda: RJ was being way to cute today!!
Patti Panda: Enjoying lunch together
Patti Panda: Ta Shi and Hammy
Patti Panda: RJ love his pears!
Patti Panda: It's a stand-off!!!
Patti Panda: A Red Panda "High Five"!!
Patti Panda: I'd be glad to take that crate home with me!!!
Patti Panda: Hey Hammy...dis is a good box to play on!!
Patti Panda: RJ, you are one sassy lil' Red Panda
Patti Panda: Don't get too comfortable in there, Hammy!!
Patti Panda: Awe...RJ
Patti Panda: Looks like you picked that stalk clean, RJ
Patti Panda: Lil' Red Panda attacks....
Patti Panda: Hammy and a friendly stick!!
Patti Panda: The boys love the snow!!!
Patti Panda: Hammy, Ta Shi and RJ enjoy a delicious breakfast
Patti Panda: Now that's a Panda meal!!!
Patti Panda: Lil' Hammy