Patti Panda: A special cookie treat in honor of the special girl!
Patti Panda: giant panda jeorpardy
Patti Panda: Making enrichment treats for the Pandas
Patti Panda: One of many cuddlie critters for us to see!
Patti Panda: Widdle hedgehog
Patti Panda: Weave me alone!! LOL
Patti Panda: Pigmy Armadilla
Patti Panda: ZA's commissary with gorgeous Panda paintings on the wall
Patti Panda: Pails ready for distrabution at the Commissary
Patti Panda: We slept in a giant Treehouse
Patti Panda: Welcome to Hotel Treehouse!!
Patti Panda: The Princess
Patti Panda: A' ya....I'm the Princess!!
Patti Panda: Sweet Lani
Patti Panda: I see my Mommy Monster and Brudder
Patti Panda: Lani enjoying the view!
Patti Panda: She's all grown up!
Patti Panda: Enrichment bag ready for "drop-off"
Patti Panda: Look how big I am now!
Patti Panda: Bye, Lani Girl
Patti Panda: I think it is in here?
Patti Panda: Why does everyone look so sad!
Patti Panda: Lani at the drinker!
Patti Panda: Curious girl!!
Patti Panda: Yeah...she likes the treat we made her!!