Patti Panda: Potawatomi Zoo
Patti Panda: Ty in the Sky!
Patti Panda: Very nice set-up for the Red Panda residents!
Patti Panda: Air-conditioned Treehouse for the Reds
Patti Panda: 8 yr old male Red Panda, Ty
Patti Panda: This is B...she has the prettiest markings
Patti Panda: B is waiting for her treats
Patti Panda: B is very active...she will be 3 yrs old
Patti Panda: B is a gorgeous Red!
Patti Panda: B and Ty
Patti Panda: Ty snacking on his bamboo
Patti Panda: Ty resting!
Patti Panda: Lil' Miss B
Patti Panda: Between the Bars!
Patti Panda: Those eyes!
Patti Panda: Only the glass between us!
Patti Panda: White-faced Saki