Patti Panda: Shandy
Patti Panda: Shandy is always on the move
Patti Panda: Shandy
Patti Panda: Shandy
Patti Panda: Shandy displaying her gracefullness
Patti Panda: mmm,,,boo
Patti Panda: Shandy
Patti Panda: Shandy
Patti Panda: Shandy in her airconditioned tree house
Patti Panda: A typical day at the ZA Gorilla yard!
Patti Panda: Momma is slick to get fruit from under electrified wires
Patti Panda: The boys doing what they do best---monkeying around!
Patti Panda: Mr. Bob
Patti Panda: One of the triplet son's of the Lion pride
Patti Panda: Father of the Pride
Patti Panda: Grant's Zebra
Patti Panda: Open wide!
Patti Panda: The End!
Patti Panda: Open wide, Taz...time to get your teeth brushed!
Patti Panda: Taz getting his teeth brushed!
Patti Panda: Training for injections (ouch)