Patti Panda: Talini with tube stuffed with newspaper and scent.
Patti Panda: I think she likes the Enrichment toy!
Patti Panda: Talini with a box from the Enrichment Kitchen
Patti Panda: "Smashing Pumpkins" ...Snow Monkey style!
Patti Panda: The Pigs had a squealing good time with their special enrichment!
Patti Panda: Setting up for pizza enrichment
Patti Panda: Surf and Turf pizza
Patti Panda: Keepers at the Detroit Zoo top crusts from Buddy's Pizza with mice, fish, crickets and cherrios (Lee and I were able to stand back and watch-fun, fun!!)
Patti Panda: Pumpkin time for the Pandas!!
Patti Panda: O' no, how did I get here!!
Patti Panda: Well, that's that!!