Oh!.. So cute!: Tela em pastel seco
Oh!.. So cute!: Óleo sobre tela (70x50) - oil on canvas
Oh!.. So cute!: A moldura do meu quadro a óleo - The frame of my oil painting
Oh!.. So cute!: Acrílico sobre tela com máscara de Venesa - Acrylic on canvas with a mask of Venice Carnival
Oh!.. So cute!: Acrílico sobre tela com máscara de Venesa - Acrylic on canvas with a mask of Venice Carnival
Oh!.. So cute!: salvador
Oh!.. So cute!: Medalha da Catedral de S. Pedro, Roma - The medal of Cathedral St. Peter, Rome
Oh!.. So cute!: "A gota" - "the drop"
Oh!.. So cute!: "A gota" - "the drop"
Oh!.. So cute!: Guerreiro Sioux - Sioux warrior
Oh!.. So cute!: Alentejo - (a portuguese region)
Oh!.. So cute!: "Rock in Rio" - oil on canvas
Oh!.. So cute!: Paisagem do Douro - Douro Landscape
Oh!.. So cute!: "Casas da Aldeia" - Village houses
Oh!.. So cute!: Mulheres Maasai - Masai women
Oh!.. So cute!: Timidez - shyness
Oh!.. So cute!: Os dois quadros juntos - the two canvas together
Oh!.. So cute!: Folhas de outono - Autumn leaves
Oh!.. So cute!: Folhas de outono - Autumn leaves
Oh!.. So cute!: Folhas de Outono - Autumn leaves
Oh!.. So cute!: Natureza morta - still life
Oh!.. So cute!: Pintura acrílica - Acrylic painted
Oh!.. So cute!: cerejas e hortências - cherries and hydrangeas
Oh!.. So cute!: natureza morta - still life