a59rambler: DSCN8228 (2), Entering the Lime Hollow Beaver Creek Preserve, April 2020
a59rambler: DSCN8232 (2), Choice of trails, April 2020
a59rambler: DSCN8233 (2), Lime Hollow Nature Center, April 2020
a59rambler: DSCN8236 (2), Lime Hollow Nature Center, April 2020
a59rambler: DSCN8240 (2), Tiny object stuck on a tree, April 2020
a59rambler: DSCN8242 (2), Along the Wilderness Trail, April 2020
a59rambler: DSCN8247 (2), The Leheigh Valley Trail, April 2020
a59rambler: DSCN8250 (2), Hermit's Way, April 2020
a59rambler: DSCN8256 (2), Bluebird Observation Sanctuary, April 2020
a59rambler: DSCN8258 (2), View at Bluebird Observation Sanctuary, April 2020
a59rambler: DSCN8260 (2), Shelter in the woods, April 2020
a59rambler: DSCN8261 (2), Wooden shelter, April 2020
a59rambler: DSCN8262 (2), Vernal pool, April 2020
a59rambler: DSCN8265 (2), Fenway, April 2020
a59rambler: DSCN8269 (2), Canada Goose, April 2020
a59rambler: DSCN8273 (2), An Ent, April 2020
a59rambler: DSCN8275 (2), Another shelter, April 2020
a59rambler: DSCN8277 (2), The Jim Schug Trail, April 2020
a59rambler: DSCN8279 (2), Skunk Cabbage, April 2020
a59rambler: DSCN8285 (2), Beaver project, April 2020
a59rambler: DSCN8297 (2), Spreading a little love, April 2020