a59rambler: Kitty, May 09
a59rambler: What's that
a59rambler: Tallulah at the top of the stairs, May 09
a59rambler: Sweet kitty, May 09
a59rambler: Tallulah, June 6, 09
a59rambler: Tallulah
a59rambler: Why are you taking my picture all the time
a59rambler: Talula naps on the router, Nov 09
a59rambler: What's that, Nov 09
a59rambler: Talula relaxes, Nov 09
a59rambler: Tallulah being sweet, Jan 10
a59rambler: Talullah enjoys the Sun, March 2010
a59rambler: Tallulah relaxing on the couch, Jan 10
a59rambler: Tallulah on the couch, Jan 10