Barry M Schwartz: Sandia Mountains and clouds with Tramway Cables
Lynn Loomis: Widow Pane (2)
Lynn Loomis: Bio Park, Albuquerque-Marauders (14a) (1)
janeselverstone: DSCF0386 Goldenrod season
janeselverstone: DSCF0245 Shipwreck rust
JudsonR: Infrequent Flier
janeselverstone: _ABD9465 Basalt among the sediments
janeselverstone: IMG_1368 marine iguanas
janeselverstone: _ABC7617
James L. Gray: J_DSC1625-6-shpai
janeselverstone: _ABC6821
janeselverstone: _ABC6762 Triangles
James L. Gray: _DSC5278-8-3det-repsky
mojtahed.naser: Aspens Reflections,
janeselverstone: _ABC5488 Walking on stilts
ashahmtl: 0P7A0562 Hummingbird Clearwing Moth, Canada
Rayladur: Râle de Virginie - Virginia Rail
arlene sopranzetti: Familiar Bluet Pair
janeselverstone: _ABC4783
Lynn Loomis: The glass Graveyard - imperfected glass, not ice, Albuquerque
hjohnson11: Waiting
Barry M Schwartz: Cooling down with dirt