TAIwiffic: Bearday Pear BLISS!
TAIwiffic: One tired, happy birthday bear!
TAIwiffic: YangYang shows off a piece of birthday sugar cane!
TAIwiffic: That looks yummerlicious!
TAIwiffic: Yummmmmm, frozen pear!
TAIwiffic: One Satisfied Bearday Guy!
TAIwiffic: Lookin' a bit like daddy!
TAIwiffic: Now, for my next number . . .
TAIwiffic: Here he is, Mr. America!
TAIwiffic: Mmffrrrppphhh . . . .
TAIwiffic: Grrrr, grrrr, heehee!
TAIwiffic: . . . then you stretch your arms!
TAIwiffic: First, you stretch your hamstrings . . .
TAIwiffic: Hey, rub my tummy, won't ya?!
TAIwiffic: Meerkat Madness!
TAIwiffic: Nose Up!
TAIwiffic: Sneak Attack on the Horizon!
TAIwiffic: Comfy, are we???
TAIwiffic: Ruffy Fluffy Yangster!
TAIwiffic: Give a BIG hand to Nelson Drinker, everybody!
TAIwiffic: It's a leg up, X-man, not a leg down!
TAIwiffic: Movin' Boo Is Man's Work!
TAIwiffic: What a perfect panda boy (when he's asleep)!
TAIwiffic: Those Eyes!
TAIwiffic: Play Panda of 2010, Yang!
TAIwiffic: Cuddle up, darling, cuddle up!
TAIwiffic: I am Yang! Mighty, Mighty Yang!
TAIwiffic: Just waitin' round, holding up the building . . .
TAIwiffic: Walk This Way!
TAIwiffic: The Cub and I