TAIwiffic: Yikes!
TAIwiffic: Busy . . . come back later!
TAIwiffic: Concentrating . . .
TAIwiffic: Wow, would ya look at this!
TAIwiffic: I Got Sunshine . . .
TAIwiffic: Ohhhhhhhhhhh, look what I found!
TAIwiffic: Please bless my rock . . . Amen.
TAIwiffic: Hey Dad, I got somethin' in my eye!
TAIwiffic: When daddy speaks, the kids listen!
TAIwiffic: Umm, what should I write about? "Once upon a time. . . "
TAIwiffic: Gee, I don't know . . . maybe, maybe not.
TAIwiffic: The Drill STARE!
TAIwiffic: WHOOOO are you?
TAIwiffic: Practicing the crawl!
TAIwiffic: Hey, no swimming for 30 minutes after eating!
TAIwiffic: I just can't believe what I'm seeing . . .
TAIwiffic: Rock it all night long . . .
TAIwiffic: Can I play with you?
TAIwiffic: What do you think this is? I dunno . . .
TAIwiffic: Ten, all here!
TAIwiffic: Sailin' Along . . .
TAIwiffic: Inspection complete, time to eat!!!!
TAIwiffic: Lani, the Boo Inspector, sniffs for freshness!
TAIwiffic: I see you, Lani!