TAIwiffic: Up you go, weeble!!!!
TAIwiffic: Practicing my CPR, Nuka!
TAIwiffic: Chomp!
TAIwiffic: What ARE you doing, Coda??
TAIwiffic: 1 nose, 4 paws and a blue weeble!
TAIwiffic: Open wide . . no, wider!
TAIwiffic: Watchin' the wheel go round and round . . .
TAIwiffic: The boys splish and splash!
TAIwiffic: Belly Flop . . .
TAIwiffic: STOP! In the name of . . .
TAIwiffic: Bear Feet!
TAIwiffic: Boing!!!! Boing!!!!
TAIwiffic: One foot at a time . . .
TAIwiffic: The sky is falling, the sky is falling . . .
TAIwiffic: Standing on my head . . . not!
TAIwiffic: Okay, who's missing a foot?