TAIwiffic: Tai Shan --- enough said!
TAIwiffic: Tai is happy today!
TAIwiffic: Prince Tai Shan in the Enchanted Tai-Land!
TAIwiffic: Daddy Tian wears his triangle ears!
TAIwiffic: Daddy assumes the position!
TAIwiffic: Mei gets a bit of fresh air!
TAIwiffic: Gormet chef Tai will demonstrate the art of boo preparation!
TAIwiffic: Row, row, row your boat . . .
TAIwiffic: Step 1: Choose the right piece of boo (you may want to use the sniff test here).
TAIwiffic: Step 2: Place carefully between the upper and lower jaw, bite down with 100 lb psi.
TAIwiffic: Step 3: You have two perfect pieces, ready to eat or store until needed!
TAIwiffic: Purple is a nice accent color!
TAIwiffic: Ahhh, gee! Fanks for visiting me!
TAIwiffic: I'll have a Tai on the rocks, please!
TAIwiffic: Tai with his magic flute!