TAIwiffic: If my Mommy has a cubby, and I's is a big brudder dat means my widdle brudder or sissy has to do evwythin' I say! 'cuz I's da big brudder, 'an dey has to wisten to me!"
TAIwiffic: I's can teach my new brudder or sissy how to eat boo da right way!
TAIwiffic: If my Mommy has a new cubby, dat means dat I has to help Mommy teach my new brudder or sissy lots of things!
TAIwiffic: Hurry up, Brudder or Sissy!
TAIwiffic: You knows what? Maybee having a brudder or sissy is not so bad! I's thinks I could get used to de idea!
TAIwiffic: I has wots to teach you 'cuz I's your big brudder Tai Shan Xiang-Tian also known as "007 Soopa Panna" ! I tan hawdly wait to meet you!
TAIwiffic: I's tan teach my brudder or sissy to cwimb da twees outside!
TAIwiffic: I's tan teach my brudder or sissy how to take da fwooties from Mommy 'cuz she don't share her fwooties wid nobody!
TAIwiffic: I's teaches how to avoid leg blocks fwom Mommy! Dat is VEWY impowtant!
TAIwiffic: I's worried my Mommy will forget about me if she has a new cubby (sob!)."
TAIwiffic: Hmmmmm...wait a minnit. I's is a BIG boy, and Mommy may have a widdle bitty cubby. Dat means I is gonna be a BIG BRUDDER! WHEEEEEE!
TAIwiffic: I'll nevow see my mommy again!
TAIwiffic: Iffin my Mommy has a new cubby, she'll be busy wit' her new baby an' she'll forget all about me (sob! snerk!).
TAIwiffic: I must be bwave...Mommy tol' me to be a big boy when I's was afwaid. I's is fwee now, so I must act wike a big bear an' not a widdle cubby.
TAIwiffic: An' I's tan teach Brudder or Sissy how to wook weal pity-ful so Bwenda will give dem extwa biscuits! I's WEALLY, WEALLY good at that!"
TAIwiffic: Hi. evwybuddy! I's a bit worried today. At my bearday pawty, I hears some of my aunties and unkies talkin' an' dey says my Mommy's gonna maybe have a baby.
TAIwiffic: TAI: "I tan teach my new brudder or sissy how to cwimb da mountain!"