17-sparks: The Place for Fries
17-sparks: Pluto
17-sparks: Fish Crossing
17-sparks: Tea Cup Ride
17-sparks: Feeling Goofy
17-sparks: Bug Eyed
17-sparks: Picture 001
17-sparks: Me and my fish
17-sparks: Roger Rabbit Spin
17-sparks: on the tower of terror
17-sparks: Pacific Warf Cafe
17-sparks: The Sun Wheel
17-sparks: Gramy and Mickey
17-sparks: Euro Thunder
17-sparks: The Sun Wheel
17-sparks: Will and Mo
17-sparks: Grizzly Mountain
17-sparks: Green men
17-sparks: Hugging Eeyore
17-sparks: Eeyore and HB
17-sparks: Two crews
17-sparks: Gilbert and the crew
17-sparks: Mickey and our crew
17-sparks: Hedy Will and Mo
17-sparks: Gilbert and Mo
17-sparks: Mini and the kids
17-sparks: Parade Rino
17-sparks: Disney signage
17-sparks: Disney signage