The.StoryKeeper: Can make stuff magically disappear especially if it's got a lot of butter & sugar in it
The.StoryKeeper: She said she usually cried at least once each day not because she was sad, but because the world was so beautiful & life was so short.
The.StoryKeeper: Things are getting weird around here again, she said. How can you tell, I said. Just look at them, she said. They're all acting normal. You know how much effort that takes?
The.StoryKeeper: I can read minds, she said & I said, OK & she said, Do you want to know what you're thinking? I said no thank you. I don't do stuff like that on weekends.
The.StoryKeeper: Every night for a hundred years the angel of dreams came to the town & splashed the walls with bright colors that stayed until the first light of day.
The.StoryKeeper: If you hold on to the handle, she said, it's easier to maintain the illusion of control. But it's more fun if you just let the wind carry you.
The.StoryKeeper: What I'm mostly good at is sleeping, he once told me in confidence, but he added, I don't see much future in it.
The.StoryKeeper: We grow a lot faster than trees, he said, so we miss a lot of stuff.
The.StoryKeeper: this is a world filled with love & other things that have the sense not to waste time talking about everything under the sun & see how it glows with no help from us whatsoever
The.StoryKeeper: feels like some kind of ride but it's turning out just to be life going absolutely perfectly
The.StoryKeeper: 16/31: Is willing to accept that she creates her own reality except for some of the parts where she can't help but wonder what the hell she was thinking
The.StoryKeeper: Sometimes the only thing to do is to start looking at everything again until you forget what you're supposed to see & actually see what's there
The.StoryKeeper: Everything changed the day she figured out there was exactly enough time for the important things in her life.
The.StoryKeeper: I know I promised I wouldn't complain, she said, but I'm not ready to start just yet.
The.StoryKeeper: 17/31: I only do this until I get dizzy & then I lay down on my back & watch the clouds, she said. It sounds simple but you won't believe how many people forget the second part
The.StoryKeeper: How can you be sure it has a soul? she said. You can't, I said, unless you've got one yourself.
The.StoryKeeper: 18/31:Are you a princess? I said & she said I'm much more than a princess, but you don't have a name for it yet here on earth
The.StoryKeeper: Hasn't started to make sense of the world yet but thinks it's beautiful all the same.
The.StoryKeeper: Just because they die, she said, doesn't mean they go away.
The.StoryKeeper: That was the day the ancient songs of blood & war spilled from a hole in the sky & there was a long moment as we listened & fell silent in our grief & then one by one, we stood tall & came together
The.StoryKeeper: I'd like to leave you with something valuable, she said. You probably already have, I said, but we take most of our lives to remember that, even in the best of times
The.StoryKeeper: has a really beautiful soul but hasn't found a way to express it yet
The.StoryKeeper: How can you be sure it has a soul? she said. You can't , I said, unless you've got one yourself
The.StoryKeeper: I have heard some beautiful notes in my life, she said, but they were nothing without the rest of the music, too.
The.StoryKeeper: this is the center of the universe at this moment unless you're looking in another direction, or are thinking about something from a long time ago, in which case it will wait quietly right here until you return
The.StoryKeeper: What do I get for this? I said & the angel gave me a catalog filled with toasters & clock radios & a basketball signed by Michael Jordan...
The.StoryKeeper: connected by something finer than words that's hard to notice because usually you're doing stuff that should've been done yesterday & you've got no time for it