Katherine Blouse: Bring me sunshine …….
Katherine Blouse: So happy ….. yet …. So sad !!!
Katherine Blouse: A girl’s got to do what a girl’s got to do !!!
Katherine Blouse: Now Girls !!!
Katherine Blouse: Can you tell I'm a Marks and Spencer girl
Katherine Blouse: It’s me !!! AT LAST !!
Katherine Blouse: Yay !!! It's summer !!!
Katherine Blouse: All a bit last minute again !!!
Katherine Blouse: Happy Easter holidays everyone !
Katherine Blouse: New outfit - same old me !!
Katherine Blouse: Spot the difference
Katherine Blouse: Just relaxing
Katherine Blouse: Dreary weather again !!
Katherine Blouse: Lucky me :-)
Katherine Blouse: Just back from Holiday
Katherine Blouse: I’ve missed you all !!
Katherine Blouse: Hi ladies …. Try this and let me know how you get on !!!
Katherine Blouse: Have a wonderful Christmas ladies
Katherine Blouse: Just wondering what I should get everyone for Christmas. What would you like ??
Katherine Blouse: I can just tell you are fascinated …….
Katherine Blouse: Someone could have told me .... !!
Katherine Blouse: Time to snuggle in and keep warm.
Katherine Blouse: Thank you all you lovely girls.
Katherine Blouse: I was sorting through my wardrobe earlier this week and found this perfectly summery dress that I’d hardly worn (how girly is that!!), so could not resist trying it on.
Katherine Blouse: One of my favourite summer dresses. It’s so soft and silky and just makes you feel wonderful. Photo was taken a few weeks ago while England still had some evidence of a summer
Katherine Blouse: The wonderful English weather means resorting to photos (and a glass of wine or two) indoors. Maybe we’ll get some outdoor weather soon.
Katherine Blouse: So glad to be back on Flickr with friends again
Katherine Blouse: Will miss all you lovely girls for the next few weeks
Katherine Blouse: OMG !!! What a mess and such a windy day !!!
Katherine Blouse: Yay !!! It's summer .. but can I really get away with wearing this dress ??