invercloy: Sid on 'driver for a fiver' duties
invercloy: Lyd simmers in the station
invercloy: Woody Bay signal cabin
invercloy: Lyd simmers in the station
invercloy: Lyd on shed
invercloy: Busy day at Woody Bay!
invercloy: Sid & Lyd approach Woody Bay
invercloy: Perchance it doth awaken
invercloy: FR meets L&BR
invercloy: Split personalities?
invercloy: Split personalities?
invercloy: Lyd valve gear details
invercloy: Lyd boiler fittings
invercloy: Lyd boiler fittings
invercloy: Lyd boiler fittings
invercloy: Axe en-route to Killington Lane
invercloy: Axe runs round at Killington Lane
invercloy: Axe runs round at Killington Lane
invercloy: Axe works plate
invercloy: Axe and Lyd on shed
invercloy: Axe leaves the shed
invercloy: Lyd on shed
invercloy: Lyn's cab and wheel pattern
invercloy: Heddon Hall & the typical view from Woody Bay
invercloy: Sid and Heddon Hall
invercloy: Welcome to Woody Bay!
invercloy: Sid on 'driver for a fiver' duties
invercloy: Axe enters Woody Bay