Christa D: Caitlin Berrigan's Viral Dome + Brandon Ballengee's specimens
Christa D: Caitlin Berrigan befriends the virus with guests
Christa D: Caitlin Berrigan's jar of Viral Confections
Christa D: Lennard Davis checks out Ballengee's specimens
Christa D: Brandon Ballengee's work
Christa D: Brandon Ballengee's DFB45
Christa D: Keeping TaBs + Coyote: I love Chicago and Chicago loves me
Christa D: Coyote: I love Chicago and Chicago loves me
Christa D: show's on!
Christa D: Caitlin Berrigan encouraging visitors to befriend her virus
Christa D: come in!
Christa D: befriending the virus
Christa D: Peace Declaration for Pigeons + Keeping TaBs
Christa D: installation view
Christa D: Peace Declaration for Pigeons (inside installation)
Christa D: visitors interacting with Peace Declaration for Pigeons
Christa D: Knowledge Virus Research Station
Christa D: everybody loves science zines!
Christa D: DSCN3647.JPG
Christa D: talking about small science zines
Christa D: reading small science zines
Christa D: more zines!
Christa D: Josh Kurutz talks pheremones with a visitor
Christa D: science zines galore
Christa D: talking about art + biology