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Flower Arrangement at Tetupa School welcomes and esteems the Peacebuilders
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Tetupa Community School on the Guadalcanal Plains, Solomon Islands
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Ishmael Idu at Tetupa Community, Guadalcanal, Solomon Islands
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Community Leaders who have formed a Peace & Good Order Committee: Tetupa, Guadalcanal, Solomon Islands
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"Saalia" in Honiara Harbour, Solomon Islands. Launched 1987.
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A Former Combatant during Civil War committed to enabling other combatants to contribute productively to a peaceful civil society
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Moses and John - former MEF combatants
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Pastor Ishmael Idu was a remarkably effective and courageous peacebuilder who worked principally on the Weather Coast of Guadalcanal, on the Guadalcanl Plains and in Malaita.
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Clearing of the Guadalcanal Plains for Palm Oil plantations, Solomon Islands