Ian & Marg: Young Grassroots Peacebuilders, Dingo Dingo, Malaita, Solomon Islands
Ian & Marg: Homes of Dingo Dingo, East Kwara'ae, Malaita, Solomon Islands
Ian & Marg: A Young Couple's First Home, Dingo Dingo, Malaita
Ian & Marg: The Roads of Malaita: bogged to the axles.
Ian & Marg: Auki Harbour, Malaita, Solomon Islands
Ian & Marg: Building in the River: Auki, Malaita, Solomon Islands
Ian & Marg: Bush Materials Cottage in Auki, Malaita, Solomon Islands
Ian & Marg: Dugout Canoes Beached at Auki, Solomon Islands
Ian & Marg: Bush Materials Home, near Dingo Dingo, East Malaita, Solomon Islands
Ian & Marg: Namo'abu Waterfall, Anorara, Malaita, Solomon Islands
Ian & Marg: Equatorial Jungle Ecosystem, Malaita, Solomon Islands
Ian & Marg: Namoabu Waterfall, Anorara, East Kwarara'ae, Malaita Island, Solomon Islands
Ian & Marg: Ishmael Idu Setting Out for the Day: Dingo Dingo to Auki
Ian & Marg: Serendipity: a waterfall glimpsed in the jungle - East Kwara'ae, Malaita, Solomon Islands
Ian & Marg: Kwara'ae River & Equatorial Jungle, Malaita, Solomon Islands
Ian & Marg: World Vision Solomon Islands was very much involved in peacebuilding: Mi Tugeta Fo Peace.
Ian & Marg: "Saalia" in Honiara Harbour, Solomon Islands. Launched 1987.
Ian & Marg: Bulia River at Dingo Dingo, East Kwara'ae District, Malaita
Ian & Marg: Off to School: Walking the road between Dingo Dingo and Anorara, East Malaita, Solomon Islands
Ian & Marg: A Home in Dingo Dingo, East Malaita, Solomon Islands during an afternoon storm
Ian & Marg: Cumulonimbus over Iron Bottom Sound, Solomon Islands
Ian & Marg: A Former Combatant during Civil War committed to enabling other combatants to contribute productively to a peaceful civil society
Ian & Marg: Francis Kasiano & Ishmael Idu: Two of my Peacebuilders working in Malaita.
Ian & Marg: Moses and John - former MEF combatants