Sergio817: Cloudy with a chance of people
Sergio817: Sun-set-sational
Sergio817: Structured
Sergio817: Focus
Sergio817: Mysterious street vibe
Sergio817: Shall we play a quick match?
Sergio817: Lack for a better name
Sergio817: Full charged
Sergio817: Lionheart
Sergio817: Plane's flight trough sunset
Sergio817: Ode to each particular manifestation of light
Sergio817: Cold weather
Sergio817: Trying to find a new path
Sergio817: Forever yours
Sergio817: Bokeh-r-ing
Sergio817: Trendy, but lovely kind of color and bokeh shot
Sergio817: When the sun goes down
Sergio817: Invaders
Sergio817: Begining
Sergio817: URBXN
Sergio817: Ksual pic
Sergio817: Nights life
Sergio817: The way we see it. The way it is contextualized
Sergio817: Not always you need a "beauty" place to landscapes. They are hidden sometimes. Just see carefully
Sergio817: KLRZ
Sergio817: From positive to negative? Or negative to positive?
Sergio817: Hang over
Sergio817: Look at this deepness eyes
Sergio817: 3 points
Sergio817: Why not?