mr. darcy the cat: eastward on the Sand Hills
mr. darcy the cat: end cab 1455
mr. darcy the cat: departing waterloo
mr. darcy the cat: a fine summer day in Waterloo
mr. darcy the cat: 1985-07-06 ic 6015 council bluffs ia
mr. darcy the cat: ic across iowa
mr. darcy the cat: Central and Broadway NE
mr. darcy the cat: F's in Portage La Prairie
mr. darcy the cat: expeditor 44
mr. darcy the cat: tiger racks 30 years ago
mr. darcy the cat: tigers and containers
mr. darcy the cat: 1987-04-19 bn 1426 1916 - belt line crossing 10 dev
mr. darcy the cat: approaching Oakland Tower
mr. darcy the cat: train in Forest Lake
mr. darcy the cat: White Bear Lake, M&D Jct 1986-01-10
mr. darcy the cat: 35E overpass
mr. darcy the cat: white bear lake track work