絵理: 火鍋 lives up to it's name and is hot as a bastard
絵理: 中国、最低なバスツワー~でも、きれいだね
絵理: As the only girl I am forced to dress up in stupid costume which the boys found hilariously cute - Itchy as hell
絵理: Yellow Dragon River or whatever - I only remember the Japanese reading of the kanji
絵理: 中国
絵理: 中国
絵理: 中国
絵理: チベット民族
絵理: 中国で山のほう
絵理: Temple just before we reached the upper foothils of the mountain and our finally destination . . .
絵理: 中国
絵理: China
絵理: 中国
絵理: Cheng-du  成都
絵理: 西安 Xi'an - that fateful night . . .
絵理: 西安の市場~餅みたいな甘いもの
絵理: 兵馬俑
絵理: 上海 Shanghai
絵理: 中国のベネチア
絵理: 上海
絵理: 上海
絵理: 上海でケイナンの友達と晩御飯~