synthasy2000: Pebbles in the sand - Mundesley, Norfolk, UK
synthasy2000: Pebbles in the sand - Mundesley, Norfolk, UK
synthasy2000: Pebbles in the sand - Mundesley, Norfolk, UK
synthasy2000: Groyne post - Mundesley
synthasy2000: Entangled rope - Mundesley
synthasy2000: Pebble on post
synthasy2000: Footprint and striations
synthasy2000: Footprints in the sand
synthasy2000: Metalwork and rope
synthasy2000: Sea defences
synthasy2000: Rusty sea defences
synthasy2000: Abrasive sand action
synthasy2000: Shadow post
synthasy2000: Along the groyne
synthasy2000: Pebbles in the sand - Mundesley, Norfolk, UK
synthasy2000: Sea foam pebbles
synthasy2000: Some old rope
synthasy2000: Sea foam
synthasy2000: Pebbles and shadows
synthasy2000: Shadows and pebbles
synthasy2000: Early morning cliff walk
synthasy2000: Early morning cliff walk
synthasy2000: Cromer beach huts
synthasy2000: A view to Cromer
synthasy2000: Stick in the muds (sand)
synthasy2000: High as a kite
synthasy2000: Flinty pebblies
synthasy2000: Pebble thoughts
synthasy2000: A smashing time
synthasy2000: Forgotten love boots