mcghol: P1010100
mcghol: Sun, as seen through laundry bag
mcghol: Laundry whipped by the wind in a blue February sky
mcghol: Animals tucked in for nap
mcghol: our new view of Lucy
mcghol: Rosie enjoys the sun
mcghol: a bright spot in the dull garden
mcghol: garden girl
mcghol: February snow
mcghol: bushes collapsed by the snow
mcghol: February snow
mcghol: February snow
mcghol: afternoon tea on a vintage cloth
mcghol: spring is coming: back to 3 eggs/day
mcghol: snowdrops about to open
mcghol: sorrel emerging
mcghol: daffodils emerging
mcghol: oranges at the bulb show
mcghol: tulips at the bulb show
mcghol: Smith College bulb shows
mcghol: super baby!
mcghol: unguarded water
mcghol: footprints on the beach: mama and Lucy
mcghol: P1010071
mcghol: P1010073
mcghol: P1010078
mcghol: P1010079
mcghol: P1010077
mcghol: 1st tag sale booty of the season