clarapandy: afternoon tea at claridges
clarapandy: rach & i leaving claridges
clarapandy: just to be clear, i look fucking hot with that tash
clarapandy: on the sofa at claridges
clarapandy: rachel doing tourist photo at claridges
clarapandy: the bill
clarapandy: rach wanted to take a picture of herself in the bathroom at claridges, so she did
clarapandy: scone, man it was delicious
clarapandy: the scones arrive
clarapandy: the deserts arrive
clarapandy: rach inspects a desert
clarapandy: rach eats a desert
clarapandy: i drink japanese tea with my claw hand
clarapandy: i think rach fancied the waiter
clarapandy: thanks waiter
clarapandy: nice sarnies
clarapandy: rachel decides to dunk her sarnie in her tea
clarapandy: the sarnies arrive
clarapandy: the menu at claridges
clarapandy: rachel at claridges
clarapandy: we arrived at claridges dancing
clarapandy: ready to dance
clarapandy: rach, the old goodrich & i
clarapandy: rach & i on the way to claridges
clarapandy: the old goodrich and i