wagsy.: Birch polypore fungus
wagsy.: Birch polypore
wagsy.: fairies' bonnets
wagsy.: puffballs
wagsy.: hoof fungus
wagsy.: close inspection of a large specimen by a small specimen!my twin!
wagsy.: Shaggy scalycap
wagsy.: Dryad's saddle fungus
wagsy.: Dryad's saddle
wagsy.: Dryad's saddle from different angle!
wagsy.: ...and another...yawn!
wagsy.: fungus heaven - or scottish summer!
wagsy.: Fly agaric
wagsy.: bracket fungus, bluebells and a dead tree
wagsy.: hoof fungus
wagsy.: Birch Bolete
wagsy.: Laccaria amethystea (or the Deceiver - not sure which?)
wagsy.: Razor Strop polypore
wagsy.: Laccaria amethystea (or the Deceiver not sure which)
wagsy.: Laccaria amthystea (or the Deceiver - not sure which?)
wagsy.: shaggy pholiota
wagsy.: Alfred's cakes