Paul D Brock: Aglais urticae [Small Tortoiseshell] underside
Paul D Brock: Aporia crataegi [Black-veined White] group
Paul D Brock: Aporia crataegi [Black-veined White]
Paul D Brock: Argynnis niobe [Niobe Fritillary] male form eris
Paul D Brock: Argynnis niobe [Niobe Fritillary] female
Paul D Brock: Argynnis niobe [Niobe Fritillary] male form eris
Paul D Brock: Aricia agestis [Brown Argus]
Paul D Brock: Aricia eumedon [Geranium Argus]
Paul D Brock: Aricia eumedon [Geranium Argus]
Paul D Brock: Boloria euphrosyne [Pearl-bordered Fritillary]
Paul D Brock: Blues at mud muddle
Paul D Brock: Cupido TO CHECK
Paul D Brock: Cupido TO CHECK
Paul D Brock: Cyaniris semiargus [Mazarine Blue] male
Paul D Brock: Erebia euryale [Large Ringlet] male
Paul D Brock: Erebia triaria [De Prunner's Ringlet] female
Paul D Brock: Erebia oeme [Bright-eyed Ringlet] mating pair
Paul D Brock: Glaucopsyche alexis [Green-underside Blue]
Paul D Brock: Gonepteryx rhamni [Brimstone]
Paul D Brock: Issoria lathonia [Queen of Spain Fritillary]
Paul D Brock: Lasiommata maera [Large Wall]
Paul D Brock: Lycaena alciphron [Purple-shot Copper] male f gordius
Paul D Brock: Lycaena alciphron [Purple-shot Copper] male f gordius
Paul D Brock: Lycaena hippothoe [Purple-edged Copper] male
Paul D Brock: Lycaena hippothoe [Purple-edged Copper] male underside
Paul D Brock: Lycaena hippothoe [Purple-edged Copper] female
Paul D Brock: Lycaena hippothoe [Purple-edged Copper] female underside
Paul D Brock: Lycaena phlaeas [Small Copper] male
Paul D Brock: Lycaena tityrus [Sooty Copper] female
Paul D Brock: Lycaena virgaureae [Scarce Copper] male