petertredrea: The upper house chamber in Victorias parliament
petertredrea: A new building (Eureka Tower) along Melbourne's Yarra river
petertredrea: A vibrant wing at Melbourne's St. Francis Catholic Church
petertredrea: A National Trust (Victoria) interior staircase
petertredrea: The Princess Theatre Melbourne
petertredrea: Victoria's Parliament House at dusk
petertredrea: The Organ Pipes, a natural volcanic formation a few kilometre out of Melbourne
petertredrea: The main reading rom in the recently refubishes Melbourne public library
petertredrea: An old jetty looking across the entry to Port Philip Bay with the City of Melbourne in the background
petertredrea: Melbourne skyline with uncertain weather
petertredrea: Melbourne skyline at night
petertredrea: The Upper House ceiling
petertredrea: Block Arcade
petertredrea: Bark hut from old historic town
petertredrea: A few old buildings in Victoria Parade
petertredrea: Melbourne skyline across to Westgate Bridge as seen from Williamstown