tsummers471: Fields in Islip
tsummers471: Plants in a field through a window.
tsummers471: Family holiday in Weymouth/Portland
tsummers471: The Grand Union Canal, Slough Arm. Iver
tsummers471: A view of Ascott under Wychwood, Oxfordshire, 2019.
tsummers471: A view near Longcross station, Nikon F4. Velvia 50.
tsummers471: Reeds on Saxon Lake, Harmondsworth. Mamiya C220. Velvia 50.
tsummers471: Escape from the world ! Normally you would see a few planes from Saxon Lake due to its proximity to London Heathrow Airport. But as with times lately the skies have been mostly empty. Velvia 50. Mamiya C220. 80mm lens.