Florence Bouche:
Quelques tomates 244/365
Florence Bouche:
Labour day 245/365
Florence Bouche:
Il parait que les humains ont inventé... 246/365
Florence Bouche:
Homeschooling 247/365
Florence Bouche:
Coings 248/365
Florence Bouche:
Kombucha scoby (symbiotic culture of bacteria and yeast) 249/365
Florence Bouche:
Alone time 250/365
Florence Bouche:
I'm not certain it's alive... 251/365
Florence Bouche:
What's in the...? 252/365
Florence Bouche:
"Ah, this one is tricky" thought Irvin, while he was trying to match the colours... 253/365
Florence Bouche:
Eerie 254/365
Florence Bouche:
Ride? 255/365
Florence Bouche:
Flame 256/365
Florence Bouche:
My birthday in centimeters 257/365
Florence Bouche:
If... 258/365
Florence Bouche:
Cyclops 259/365
Florence Bouche:
Il parait que les hummains ont inventé...260/365
Florence Bouche:
Singing bowl 261/365
Florence Bouche:
Florence Bouche:
Il parait que les humains ont inventé... 263/365
Florence Bouche:
Sortie Vigne-vin 264/365
Florence Bouche:
They said: "that's where they make a great wine..."265/365
Florence Bouche:
Sortie Vigne-vin 266/365
Florence Bouche:
Dusty staple (agrafe poussiéreuse) 267/365
Florence Bouche:
I'm surrounded! 268/365
Florence Bouche:
I'm on a diet 269/365
Florence Bouche:
Compost 270/365
Florence Bouche:
Fun! 271/365
Florence Bouche:
So proud to be on the way back of her 70km cycle, she decided to take a power pose in the middle of the path, when she heard a hord of mountain bikers coming behind her 272/365
Florence Bouche:
She suddently realized that the title "portkin" for "portrait of a pumpkin" wouldn't work because she'd had the stupid idea to put a Port bottle in the background 273/365