ricsrailpics: Isle of Man Steam Railway no.8 'Fenella' leaving Douglas for Port Erin.
ricsrailpics: Isle of Man Steam Railway no.13 'Kissack' at Port Erin
ricsrailpics: Isle of Man. Snaefell Mountain Railway. 10 August 2017
ricsrailpics: Isle of Man, Laxey Water Wheel. 10 August 2017.
ricsrailpics: Isle of Man Laxey Wheel. 10 August 2017
ricsrailpics: Isle of Man. Laxey Wheel. 10 August 2017
ricsrailpics: The old Cathedral. Peel, Isle of Man.
ricsrailpics: Peel Cathedral ruins. Isle of Man. 13 August 2017