Dale Ayres: Chiffchaff (Phylloscopu collybita )
Phil Gower Bird Photography: Great Bustard (URN: 1212)
nick.linda: Guillemot (Uria aalge)
nick.linda: Tree Sparrow (Passer montanus)
Ann and Chris: Red Kite
Mobile Lynn: Kestrel - Female 850_1781.jpg
naturethroughanikon: Wren singing its heart out
hartlepooltramp: - waiting . . . .
Mike.Dales: White Crocus
Mobile Lynn: Hoopoe 502_2947.jpg
anthonynixon17: Marsh Tit.
Bill Richmond: #111 Sparrowhawk-Isolation Image from Garden Shed.
Graham Gibson: Campsite with a bend in space-time
Dale Ayres: Greenfinch ( Carduellis chloris )
Bob Hurrell Wildlife: Stoat out on a limb.(heavy crop).
billoddie3: Great Crested Grebe. Family Podiceps Cristatus
magrit k.: Schatten -Shadow Fensterbank- Sonnenuhr !
rogercollorick: Green fig bird ( Australia )
robertofurlan: pettirosso san pier
Life, unscripted Photography: 5 - End of the Day
Steve_Waddingham: Cettis Warbler
davy ren2: kestrel
hartlepooltramp: - first of many . . . . 1370536
hcorper: Nine
Mr Winegettr: Colors love their opposites.
TOMFLASH91: Macro Mondays - Complementary Colours
mslabrat13: How Does My Garden Grow...
nrg_crisis: Dark Star