luigi_cinque: walking on the moon
luigi_cinque: We’re really the coffee-and-cigarettes generation, when you think about it.
luigi_cinque: High noon
luigi_cinque: After market
luigi_cinque: After market
luigi_cinque: October 2018, timeshifting.
luigi_cinque: Up against the wall.
luigi_cinque: Scenography
luigi_cinque: Between the idea and the reality, between the motion and the act, falls the shadow.
luigi_cinque: Mamihlapinatapai
luigi_cinque: Holy desire
luigi_cinque: Les miserables
luigi_cinque: Different types of communication
luigi_cinque: Deeper underground
luigi_cinque: Fiore di cactus/Cactus flower
luigi_cinque: Foo fighters.
luigi_cinque: Fat bottomed girl.
luigi_cinque: Curandera.
luigi_cinque: Smokin'
luigi_cinque: Wearing the inside out
luigi_cinque: Audience
luigi_cinque: Fornices.
luigi_cinque: Roma 2019
luigi_cinque: Roma 2019.