leylandbus: Sovereign E975DGS
leylandbus: Sovereign E840EUT
leylandbus: Sovereign R370TWR
leylandbus: Sovereign W575XRO
leylandbus: Sovereign Breakdown
leylandbus: Sovereign L141BFV
leylandbus: Sovereign M796PRS
leylandbus: Sovereign L149BFV
leylandbus: Sovereign C844OBG
leylandbus: Sovereign KG52VAA
leylandbus: Sovereign G207URO
leylandbus: Sovereign X579MBH
leylandbus: Sovereign P501VRO
leylandbus: Sovereign G203URO
leylandbus: Sovereign G381MWU
leylandbus: Sovereign PN02HVP
leylandbus: Sovereign W573XRO
leylandbus: Sovereign L141BFV and G300KWY
leylandbus: Sovereign L953MBH and G203URO
leylandbus: Sovereign R603WMJ
leylandbus: Sovereign M458UUR
leylandbus: Sovereign V563JBH
leylandbus: Sovereign L104SDY
leylandbus: London Country North East VPB121M
leylandbus: London Country North East BPL488T
leylandbus: London Country North East YPF772T
leylandbus: Sovereign L954MBH
leylandbus: London Country North East DPH499T
leylandbus: London Country North East JPL104K
leylandbus: London Country North East UPK131S