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Das Bäumlein / the little tree
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Balkone / balconies
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Linien / lines
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Reflektionen / reflections
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Die Vögel / The birds
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Zwilinge / Twins
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Brücke und Berg / Bridge and Mountain
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Der gelbe Vorhang / The yellow curtain
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City West
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Die Treppe / The stairs
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Licht und Dunkelheit / light and darkness
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Aus vergangen Zeiten / From past times
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Fenster / window
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Formen und Linien / Shapes and lines
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City West Chur
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Kantonsschule in Chur / Cantonal School in Chur
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Das Geländer / The railing
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Keine Einsicht / No insight
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Fenster / Windos
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The facade behind the glass pane /Die Fassade hinter der Glasscheibe
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Alte Fenster/old windows