dhklee: Common Yellowthroat
dhklee: Bald Eagle feast
dhklee: Canada Goose
dhklee: Rare sighting of a Mandarin Duck.
dhklee: Black-capped Chickadee
dhklee: Golden-crowned Sparrow
dhklee: Anna's Hummingbird
dhklee: Anna's Hummingbird
dhklee: Marsh Wren
dhklee: Yellow-headed Blackbird
dhklee: Eastern Kingbird.
dhklee: Willow Flycatcher
dhklee: White-crowned Sparrow
dhklee: Claws
dhklee: Golden-crowned Sparrow
dhklee: The Dark Knight - Steller's Jay
dhklee: Long-billed Dowitcher
dhklee: Bufflehead
dhklee: Eurasian Wigeon
dhklee: Fork-tailed Sunbird
dhklee: Asian Fairy Bluebird
dhklee: Western Reef Heron
dhklee: Egret
dhklee: Mountain Bluebird
dhklee: Tufted Duck in BC Canada
dhklee: Canada Goose
dhklee: Audubon's Warbler
dhklee: Audubon's Warbler
dhklee: Wilson's Warbler
dhklee: Canada Goslings